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URPIB Article 20.                             URPIB Article 22.                           URPIB Article 23.​  
DLC Transfer Fees/                                                                  Connecting Commission                                                                               FOA: Form of 

DLC Confirmation fees                                                              Payments                                                                                                         Attachment 

URPIB Article 21.


URPIB Article 20:
DLC Transfer Fees/ DLC Confirmation fees:

    Article of UCP unless changes in the future applies where both parties have contractually agreed upon; that the transfer fees is made for the account of the Buyer in and unconditional application.
    in the first instance conformation of a credit is made by the end buyer to the sellers bank. In the seconds instance to a free bank at it counters , in the country of the seller
    if a supplier requires a credit form the seller to be advised as confirmed, the supplier shall initiate process to confirm the credit to the sellers bank at his expense.

URPIB Article 21:

    Any Intermediary approaching any Seller/Buyer(SB) who has declared to also be an URPIB trader infers explicitly that the “SB” shall automatically protect the interests of anyone approaching them in any manner, with information, and that should such information prove positive, the “SB” shall collect and protect commission for each said protected entity unconditionally. The “SB” is not allowed to use the information given in where a deal has collapsed in where later should the ‘SB” decide to use such vital information as provided by the intermediary in the past on another deal yet to apply in the future, such must first notify the said intermediary who originally gave such vital information, before the approach is made.
    The said intermediary once notified (whether he or she is involved in the deal or not being attempted at that time ) shall expect unconditionally that the ‘SB” will apply to include the said intermediary in the commission payment structure. Vital information specifically defines in where information about Supplier and or End buyers are provided regardless if a “IPG” is in place or not.
    It is a dishonourable act to trade as a Seller/Buyer and any URPIB trader in where others have trusted the “SB” in providing such with valuable information that could be used to close upon a transaction, in where the Seller/Buyer uses such information on other future deals without involving the original person providing to disclose such original information.
    Any Intermediary defines to mean anyone trading in commodities whether or not such is informed about URPIB. “Sanctuary” is an applied mechanism that allows one party to disclose up front vital information in a quick manner for purpose of evaluation without having the deal stall due to matters involved in issuing the “IPG.”
    Such shall apply even if the Seller/Buyer is no longer associated with the group or entity who surrendered such original information , perpetually.
    Such is also applied in where the Buyer/Seller has given information to another party or person so as not to get caught using such information for personal gains.

URPIB Article 23:
FOA: Form of Attachment
A form of attachment defined as an ’FOA’ is advised by the URPIB trader to those intermediaries seeking attachment of such said informed trader capable of heading and closing an import export transaction as Buyer/Seller.The informed principal has discretion to consider such an ‘FOA .’

    Once advised the signed FOA is valid for 4 months.
    The FOA advised once to a named intermediary allows that intermediary to remain attached to an informed principal for 4 months or less for any transaction being transacted upon to which commission protection of the attached person is assured by the principal for any deal closed by the principal from information disclosed by the attached intermediary .
    The entity looking for attachment of an informed principal has to be prepared to disclose the end buyer or supplier once an FOA is sought and released. The FOA is a formal ‘stepping back’ protocol.
    Once the FOA is released the entity securing such must produce an OTS or RFQ as advised by the principal and must follow all directives of the principal in regards to such disclosures made on such OTS or RFQ.
    The issuance of an FOA applies matters of URPIB Article 21 ‘Sanctuary”
    Once an FOA is officially issued to the named intermediary for 4 months , protection remains perpetually ongoing there after for the same named entity providing disclosure of an end buyer or supplier to their principal in line with the terms and conditions of the original first time issuance of any FOA.
    Should any issued FOA require updating , such update will be defined in this URPIB article to which such updates shall prevail.
    The idea of issuing an FOA is to slow down the cumbersome issuance of perpetual pay orders for deal which more often that not fail.
    In where an FOA is advised by agents of another disclosed principal, only one agent supported by the principal in that unified trading group may support the issuance of an FOA. The FOA once issued is not transferable for attachment to another informed agent in another unified trading group.
    An informed principal is one who is claiming URPIB status and has studied or practiced for a year or more the FTN exporting doctrine as purchased from FTN exporting directly or who has purchased a copy of ITSI from U.K publishers Gowers/Ashgate or authorised resellers of such and who is claiming to be an URPIB practitioner.
    The FOA may be used instead of an IPG issuance for those entities approaching an informed buyer seller showing initiative. The said buyer seller has discretion to advise an FOA or cancel such once issued.

*Copyright : ©URPIB/URITI: 2001 FTN Exporting
*©UCP and Incoterms are a Trade mark of the ICC Paris France.

URPIB Article 22:
Connecting Commission Payments

    In where an intermediary or group being protected by the Buyer /Seller has provided information to such in the course of a transaction or otherwise, which leads to the discovery of other Principal(s) of industry by default, then the original intermediary group shall be entitled to the payment of commission unconditionally, should the Buyer/Seller later contact (or vice versa) such a Principal, person or party in where a transaction is closed.
    The Buyer/Seller is fully obligated to contact all person associated in the original party, and pay to each individual, a negotiable or offered commission payment.
    Article 24: In house DLC use.
    An In house DLC is a financial instrument produced by the intermediary from their own stationary and forwarded to the bank of the supplier or exporter for acceptance, in where authentication occurs contrary to normal practices as per a reverse protocol.
    Only very experienced intermediaries may use the virtues if an In house DLC as the use of such is a new (Late 2007) development in banking practice which still widely unknown and not a familiar application to many bankers around the world for years to come.
    To use an in house letter of credit , the buyer/seller must have in their account a confirmed accepted credit as confirmed by their bank.

URPIB Article 23:
FOA: Form of Attachment
A form of attachment defined as an ’FOA’ is advised by the URPIB trader to those intermediaries seeking attachment of such said informed trader capable of heading and closing an import export transaction as Buyer/Seller.The informed principal has discretion to consider such an ‘FOA .’

    Once advised the signed FOA is valid for 4 months.
    The FOA advised once to a named intermediary allows that intermediary to remain attached to an informed principal for 4 months or less for any transaction being transacted upon to which commission protection of the attached person is assured by the principal for any deal(s) closed by the principal from information disclosed by the attached intermediary .
    The entity looking for attachment of an informed principal has to be prepared to disclose the end buyer or supplier once a FOA is sought and released. The FOA is a formal ‘stepping back’ protocol.
    Once the FOA is released the entity securing such must produce an OTS or RFQ as advised by the principal and must follow all directives of the principal in regards to such disclosures made on such OTS or RFQ.
    The issuance of an FOA applies matters of URPIB Article 21 ‘Sanctuary”
    Once an FOA is officially issued to the named intermediary for 4 months , protection remains perpetually ongoing there after for the same named entity providing disclosure of an end buyer or supplier to their principal in line with the terms and conditions of the original first time issuance of any FOA.
    Should any issued FOA require updating , such update will be defined in this URPIB article to which such updates shall prevail.
    The idea of issuing an FOA is to slow down the cumbersome issuance of perpetual pay orders for deal which more often that not fail.
    In where an FOA is advised by agents of another disclosed principal, only one agent supported by the principal in that unified trading group may support the issuance of an FOA. The FOA once issued is not transferable for attachment to another informed agent in another unified trading group.
    An informed principal is one who is claiming URPIB status and has studied or practised for a year or more the FTN exporting doctrine as purchased from FTN exporting directly or who has purchased a copy of ITSI from U.K publishers Gowers/Ashgate or authorised resellers of such and who is claiming to be an URPIB practitioner.
    The FOA may be used instead of an IPG issuance for those entities approaching an informed buyer seller showing initiative. The said buyer seller has discretion to advise an FOA or cancel such once issued.

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